Antique Rugs > Interior Design > “Made in China,” yet elegant and stylish…

“Made in China,” yet elegant and stylish…

I’ve recently become fascinated by fanciful Chinese imagery increasingly used by decorators to add charm and exotic flair to Western homes.


The style is popularly known as chinoiserie and dates back to an eastward expansion of trade and tourism and overall attraction to Asian things that swept Europeans four centuries ago.

The Chinoiserie murals of Michael Dillon Chinoserie in Interior Design - Timothy Corrigan

Today the exotic Chinese patterns are used to introduce sophistication and mystery to our spaces. Designers often layer their interiors with chinoiserie wallpaper and fabrics to spark them with Oriental romanticism and a touch of exotic style.

YSL Paris Apt chinoserei Take a look at these wonderful examples of chinoiserie, I hope they inspire you as they did me2

Take a look at these wonderful examples of chinoiserie, I hope they inspire you as they did me1

Bold Asian patters and florals constitute a significant part of our antique and vintage rug collection. Here are just a few examples of a strong patterned chinoiserie around which you can build an enchanting room.

Chinese 5626 IMG_1084

Here you can read what contemporary decorators say about incorporating chinoiserie in their projects.