Antique Rugs > Antique Rugs > THE COEXISTENCE OF OLD AND NEW


The vivid imagination of Mrs. Doris Blau is never to be forgotten.
Doris Leslie Blau’s booth at the 1992 winter antiques fair in the Armory.
The vivid imagination of Doris Blau is never to be forgotten.


Protect the past that we love.
Protect the past that we love.


Interior by M Group featuring an antique rug
Preserve the beauty of the past with the new.
(Interior by M Group featuring an antique rug).


Interior by Charlie Ferrer featuring a vintage Leleu rug
A classic design is always a good option.
(Interior by Charlie Ferrer featuring a vintage Leleu rug. Photo Joshua McHugh)


Interior by Julie Hillman featuring a fur rug
The excitement in experimenting with new textures.
(Interior by Julie Hillman featuring a fur rug).