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History of Persian Rugs

Once the presence of the carpet in the house was obvious, now we prefer to expose the beautiful wooden floors. But is it worth it to give up the decorations with such a beautiful history?

The history of carpets dates back to the formation of the Egyptian pyramids. The oldest carpet, which has survived to this day is more than two and a half thousand years old. The Pazyryk carpet is now located in St. Petersburg, Russia, and was probably made in ancient Persia in the third century B.C. Persian carpets are considered the most beautiful in the world, so that they can reach astronomical prices.

The history of of carpets is related to the lands of present Iran. About V century B.C. nomadic tribes living in rustic areas have begun to hand weave small Persian rugs, which had mainly a protective function – at night, to protect your feet from the cold – in the day to give chill.

Carpets made from natural fibers – goat and sheep’s wool were a product of an extremely durability and they were very practical. Often changing place of residence, the nomads used them also to protect their homes – as rooftops.

Aesthetic qualities of hand-made carpets were noticed, however, much later – they grew to the rank of art only in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, during the reign of the Safavid Dynasty – in the period of greatest prosperity of the production and design of Persian carpets. During this period, the carpets were made in factories in several cities such as Herat, Tabriz, Kashan and Kerman, from which come the names of various patterns of carpets, typical for the region.

To this day the cities are filled with shops and carpet-bazaars where you can buy popular large and small Persian rugs like Jalameh and Baktjar. What is important is that the technique of weaving carpets today remains the same. The carpets are made with great attention to every detail, from the highest quality materials to using the best colors, which is a key factor to achieve the perfect product – soft and shimmering carpet.

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