Rooms with all-white walls can exude energy and warmth given the right textile. Perhaps no aesthetic demonstrates this more clearly than the cheerful simplicity of Scandinavian design.
The importance of this lesson shouldn’t be lost on any of us who live in dense cities where space is at a premium, and especially for those who must live with long winters.
Pure white walls and low furniture lines keep rooms feeling airy, while a richly-colored flat weave draws the eye and lends dynamism to spaces that might otherwise feel austere.
Here are a few selections from our vintage Scandinavian rug collection that epitomize the brilliant beauty and power of modernist Swedish flat weave.
A rug from the workshop of revered textile designer Marta Maas-Fjetterstrom.
A Swedish flat weave from circa 1950 that brings to mind a delicious sunset with shades of cardinal, terra cotta and persimmon.
This upbeat cross-and-square pattern is a personal favorite.
This gorgeous tangerine field with an allover geometric pattern is signed by Polly Bjokrman, In true modernist spirit, the design references Swedish folk motifs.
A Swedish flat weave rug by Anna Greta Sjoqvist with a fetching geometric pattern in wineberry, sea blue and a dark royal blue.
See more magnetic vintage Swedish flat weave in our vintage gallery here.