9 N0152 8'9" × 14'0" $9,000


Designer inspiration: Houndstouth is a graphic icon as much associated with European design as American. The clarity of the repetitive image reminds me of the great mid-century Geometrics of David Hicks without the nostalgia. Beautiful rugs serve to soften, bond, and unite a successfully decorated room more evenly than any other single component.

Designer rugs from Doris Leslie Blau? Yes! For almost 6 decades Doris Leslie Blau has been world-renowned as the leading supplier of antique and vintage designer carpets atlanta and rugs. A trusted advisor to owners, decorators, and designers in selecting the perfect modern carpet to serve as the foundation or focal point of a design scheme.

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Item No.: N0152 Size: 8'9" × 14'0" (266 × 426 cm)
9 N0152

9 N0152


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