Kashan is a city located in the central Iran and it got its name from the ancient inhabitants, the Kasian people. It is one of the oldest cities, with thousands of years of history, and long tradition of weaving beautiful Persian carpets. The typical design of a Kashan rug is not too crowded, the details are not too dispersed, and the delicate harmony of colors is the feature.
The exceptional skills required for making such beautiful carpets were developed through generations by several families inhabiting Kashan and being active in the business till today. The design masters learned the skill from their fathers and grandfathers and keep their patterns true to the centuries of appreciated beauty. It took quite an imagination to draw amazing flowers, leaves, and plants that make a carpet pattern, living in the area that is so close to the desert and flowers are a really rare sight. The fabulous, colorful gardens woven on carpets were and are a compensation for the dry view outside a workshop’s window.
The designs are carefully drawn on a cross-section paper, so a weaver can refer to it while working. Each little square represents one knot. The drawn pattern is then painted by the designer with paying careful attention to the harmony of colors. In Kashan carpets this is a very important feature, the patterns tend to be quite complicated so to please the eye of the viewer or buyer, harmony must be there and it is acquired by choosing right colors.
Dyes are traditional and natural, and the process of dyeing wool takes place also in traditional workshops. The main color for Kashan carpets is copper, but many deep and light colors are possible, all of them natural and durable.
The Kashan carpets are woven on looms and after being washed, they are polished, the extra naps are cut and a rug is ready for a carpet bazaar.