Antique Rugs > Vintage Rugs > Chinese Rugs > One-of-a-kind Vintage Chinese Botanic Handmade Wool Rug

One-of-a-kind Vintage Chinese Botanic Handmade Wool Rug BB5745 5'0" Ã— 9'7" $18,000


This early 20th century antique Chinese Art Deco rug features a border of floral motifs in shades of blue and beige against a field of oatmeal. Popular Eastern symbols such as the swastika, a Buddhist graphical representation of eternity, can be seen in the corners. There is evidence that decorative vintage area rugs and carpets have been a significant art form within the Chinese culture for many centuries, if not for several millennia.

Mostly in blues and beiges, with classical symbols of longevity, elaborate lotus blossoms, chrysanthemums and cloud-band motifs, these antique oriental rugs and rugs are frequently visible in paintings from as early as the Tang Dynasty. For the most part, designs of antique Chinese rugs are as indigenous as those of antique Chinese porcelains and silk textiles, featuring the repeating simple design devices of swastikas and fretwork.

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Price: $18,000

Item No.: BB5745 Circa: 1920 Size: 5'0" Ã— 9'7" (152 × 292 cm)
Style: , Origin:

This is One-of-a-kind Vintage Chinese Botanic Handmade Wool Rug number BB5745 in our internal collections. This rug was manufactured around 1920 in China, which means it is already 104 years old.

The dimensions of this rug are: 5'0" Ã— 9'7" width × length, which corresponds to 152 × 292 cm in the metric system.

The rug was qualified by our experts as a Botanic, Casual style in our wide offer of rugs. If you are interested in this unique work of art, please contact us with the number BB5745 for further information.

DorisLeslieBlau is New York-based antique rugs purveyor established in 1965. The world's most recognizable brand for wool best quality antique and vintage carpets dealer for interior designers. Check more from our Antique Rugs collection.

One-of-a-kind Vintage Chinese Botanic Handmade Wool Rug BB5745

One-of-a-kind Vintage Chinese Botanic Handmade Wool Rug BB5745


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