can be purchased in numerous places: bazaars, specialist stores or antique stores that usually offer not only exquisite choice of woven goods, but also a piece of advice on how to care about the carpet of choice. However, if you are looking for something unique, you may want to visit a rug auction. Those who visit them are not only collectors, looking forward to adding a new piece to their collection, but also thrill-seekers, who want the best possible antique, vintage or Persian rugs for the best possible price. Test
If you want to take part in an auction as a buyer, keep up with the schedules and official announcements. Thanks to the internet, finding them is fairly easy – try finding a rug- or antique-themed forum, where other carpet lovers meet to trade thoughts and bits of advice. Visiting auction houses is also a good idea. First of all, this will allow you to get all the information about auctions from a reliable source, but more importantly, you will be able to clear any doubts you have about the event or items which will be available for bidding.
When the time for an auction comes, keep your head cool! Pieces at auctions may vary in quality and starting price, so make sure you know what you are buying. Take your time to examine carpets you might be interested in. While some auction houses have their goods available for inspection a few days in advance, other might allow a brief inspection before an auction. Items are usually sold in their current state, so any significant wears and tears should automatically exclude a potential carpet. If you have any doubts on what to take into consideration while buying a rug, consult our other guides or consider taking someone knowledgeable about the rugs with you.
Also, set yourself a budget and try not to go above it! It’s easy to get carried away seeing all people bidding so enthusiastically, but overpaying for a carpet is not worth the thrill. Also, observe the reactions of fellow auctioneers. There might be a reason why they are less enthusiastic about some carpets than others. When bidding for a rug, always make sure to avoid any misunderstandings.
Purchasing a carpet at an auction can be an amazing and fun experience if you know what are you doing. Auctions are great sources of original and beautiful rugs but beginners might feel a bit overwhelmed by the frantic atmosphere and the abundance of fine pieces. If you are yet to attend your first auction, it might be a good idea to go to a few random ones to observe how does everything works.