Antique Rugs > News > Doris Leslie Blau App – now for iPhone!

Doris Leslie Blau App – now for iPhone!

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You can now access our vintage, antique and contemporary collections from your iPad or iPhone using the Doris Leslie Blau app.


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It’s already available for Android systems, and this new version offers the same functionality for the Apple platform.

The app is a great tool for keeping track of rugs under consideration and also for staying in touch with us. Simply save the rugs you like to your favorites list, then hit us up when you have questions or need more information.

Purchasing rugs is a critical, thought-intensive process, and we understand how sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to reach that final decision. The app was designed to aid the process, allowing designers to keep track of the rugs they love and consider them on the go. Not to mention, you can peruse our wealth of beautiful rugs on that long train ride…

It’s free to download, check it out here.