Antique Rugs > Modern Rugs > Doris Leslie Collection Floral Traditional Inspired Blue, Gray, Black, Wool Rug

Doris Leslie Collection Floral Traditional Inspired Blue, Gray, Black, Wool Rug N12021 12'2" Ã— 16'3" $28,000


Although presently made, this enchanting rug comprises all the greatest features of traditional craft. The bold design reveals influence of famous art trends such as Arts&Crafts or Art Nouveau, represented by an allover, graceful floral pattern. The face of the modern rug flaunts a palette of grays with bluish undertones that balances the composition, giving it a great deal of chic. The rug would be perfect in Mid-Century Modern arrangements yet its range of possible applications is extremely wide.

In terms of execution, this traditional-inspired rug has definitely something to boast about. It was carefully hand-knotted of supreme wool in accordance with centuries-old techniques by a skilled artisan. Due to such making, it is durable, resilient and absolutely unique. Provided little care, the carpet will serve its owners for generations showing no signs of wear.

New, modern and custom rugs by Doris Leslie Blau are made with great passion and expertise to ensure the highest possible quality and designs that will inspire awe in years to come. We rely on centuries-old techniques, combining them with contemporary aesthetic thought and a pinch of experimental approach. Browse our website or visit one of our galleries to see for yourself how passionate we are about rugs and customer satisfaction.

Doris Leslie Blau carries an exceptional collection of original modern rugs in many styles and materials. Contemporary hand-made rugs are a bridge throughout history, they are the fruit of the constant evolution of the weaving craft that has accompanied men since the dawn of civilization.

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Item No.: N12021 Size: 12'2" Ã— 16'3" (370 × 495 cm)
Color: Style: Material: Origin:

This is Doris Leslie Collection Floral Traditional Inspired Blue, Gray, Black, Wool Rug number N12021 in our internal collections. This rug was manufactured in India

The dimensions of this rug are: 12'2" Ã— 16'3" width × length, which corresponds to 370 × 495 cm in the metric system.

The rug pattern most used colors are: and Blue, and as a rug was qualified by our experts as a Floral style in our wide offer of rugs. If you are interested in this unique work of art, please contact us with the number N12021 for further information.

DorisLeslieBlau is New York-based antique rugs purveyor established in 1965. The world's most recognizable brand for wool best quality antique and vintage carpets dealer for interior designers. Check more from our Antique Rugs collection.

Doris Leslie Collection Floral Traditional Inspired Blue, Gray, Black, Wool Rug N12021

Doris Leslie Collection Floral Traditional Inspired Blue, Gray, Black, Wool Rug N12021


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