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The Craft of Indian Carpets

The richness of oriental countries are associated frequently with exclusive interiors. Beautiful decorating done very often manually reflect the price they had to pay to be their holder. We admire, therefore, woven arrases, gobelins and carpets, which with its quality greatly outweigh products in Europe.

Indian carpets are often made of silk. Silk is made from silkworm cocoons. Top-quality silk is obtained from cocoons of silkworm which feeds on mulberry leaves. Depending on the technology the carpets can be produced as with only silk, in whole or only partially (or parts matrix). Today, popular is also rayon (China, India). However, in terms of quality it is certainly less attractive option. These Oriental carpets lose their value because their durability is significantly lower.

The yarn of oriental color is usually obtained by dyeing in special dye baths. The price of the carpet also results from the dyeing process, and more specifically speaking from the kind of a dye. Certainly rugs dyed with natural dyes are significantly more expensive than those which yarn has gained a certain color under the influence of synthetic dye. Natural dyes are usually obtained from plants for example. Nuts and other fruits. Very often, in order to obtain the original color the synthetic dyes are combined with natural dyes.

As the transition to a settled lifestyle took place, the folk culture, which is the cultivation of their own sheep and spinning carpets on the basis of sketches spread. However, more often in villages craft enterprises began to emerge, which produced the largest carpets for the most wealthy customers. Their designs were no longer based on normal drafts, but on the guidelines drawn on graph paper. Oriental culture we associate with exotic places. Accordingly, the production of oriental carpets will not be limited to one place. Vintage Indian rugs are those that are made mainly by hand, with silk or wool. They are characterized mainly by floral motifs. Their density is approximately 700,000 knots per square meter.

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